Verify a single email per request. This API endpoint is suitable for validating single email per request. The verification result will be returned as below.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"result": "deliverable",
"message": "This address can receive emails.",
"email": "",
"user": "support",
"domain": "",
"accept_all": 2,
"role": 1,
"free_email": 0,
"disposable": 0,
"spamtrap": 0,
"success": true
How to use the result
- Apart from undeliverable, for the results deliverable, accept-all and uknown do not reject the email address and proceed with your work flow. Both accept-all and unknown emails could not be validated, so they may be valid email address.
- If the request was not successful, do consider proceeding with your workflow.
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Definition |
result | [string] | The verified results will be: deliverable, undeliverable, unknown, accept all |
message | [string] | Describes API result |
[email] | The email that was verified. | |
user | [string] | The user part of the provided email address. |
domain | [string] | The domain of the provided email address. |
accept_all | [Integer] | Remote host accepts mail at any address. |
role | [0, 1] | Whether the email is considered a role address. (e.g. "sales@, info@, help@, etc.) |
free_email | [0, 1] | Whether the email is hosted by a free email provider like Gmail, Yahoo!, Hotmail etc.. |
disposable | [0, 1] | Whether this is a temporary email. |
spamtrap | [0, 1] | Is this a honeytrap email |
success | [true, false] | Whether the API request call was successful or not. |
Other Responses
The response you get when email address is not provided or in an invalid format.
HTTP/ 400 Bad Request
"result": "Invalid request. Required email.",
"success": false
The response you get when the API key is invalid:
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
"result":"Invalid API Key"
The response you get when your credits have been used:
HTTP/1.1 402 Payment Required
"result":"Insufficient verification credits"
The response you get when your call rate is high (more than 120 concurrent calls):
HTTP/ 429 Too Many Requests
"result":"Too many requests"