This endpoint allows you to download the result of the bulk validation email list, once the status of the list turns to 'completed'. The result can be downloaded in the .csv format. There are four result types, they are deliverable, undeliverable, unknown and accept_all, you can download the result by providing the specific result type.

Successful Response

"Email", "Verification Result",	"Syntax Error",	"ISP", "Role", "Disposable", "Trap", "Verified At"
"", "deliverable", "N", "Y", "N", "N", "N", "2021-09-13T06:49:39.280Z"
"", "accept-all", "N",	"N", "Y", "Y", "N", "2021-09-13T06:49:39.282Z"

Response Parameters

Email[email]The email that was verified.
Verification Result[string]The verified results will be: deliverable, undeliverable, unknown, accept-all
Verified At[date time]The time at which the email is verified
Syntax Error[0, 1]Whether the email is syntactically incorrect
ISP[0, 1]Whether the email is considered a role address. (e.g. "sales@, info@, help@, etc.)
Role[0, 1]Whether the email is hosted by a free email provider like Gmail, Yahoo!, Hotmail etc..
Disposable[0, 1]Whether this is a temporary email.
Trap[0, 1]Is this a honey-trap email

Other Responses

The response you get when the API key is invalid:

HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
   "result":"Invalid API Key",
   "success": false

The response you get when you provide invalid job_id:

HTTP/1.1 400 BadRequest
    "result": "Job not found. Invalid jobId",
    "success": false

The response you get when your account is under review or restricted:

HTTP/1.1 400 BadRequest
    "result": "DOWNLOAD-RESTRICTED",
    "success": false

The response you get when you passed the invalid job_id:

HTTP/1.1 400 BadRequest
    "result": "Job not found. Invalid jobId",
    "success": false

The response you get when you passed the incorrect filter result options:

HTTP/1.1 400 BadRequest
  "result": "Invalid filterResult. Please provide correct filterResult options",
  "success": false

The response you get when the job is still verifying:

HTTP/1.1 400 BadRequest
  "result": "Job is being verified, please wait until it completes.",
  "success": false

The response you get when the job is ready to begin verification:

HTTP/1.1 400 BadRequest
  "result": "Job is ready for verification, please start verification and download your results once list verified.",
  "success": false

The response you get when the job is still being preparing for verification:

HTTP/1.1 400 BadRequest
  "result": "Job is being prepared for verification, please start verifying and then download you result.",
  "success": false

The response you get when the uploaded list contains invalid data:

HTTP/1.1 400 BadRequest
  "result": "List cannot be downloaded, The uploaded list contains invalid data.",
  "success": false

The response you get when the job not available:

HTTP/1.1 400 BadRequest
  "result": "Job not found.",
  "success": false